Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Book Review: Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies (The Vacation Mysteries, #1)


Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies (The Vacation Mysteries, #1)
Author: C

This was an interesting read.

Eleanor Dash has published 9 books in a series and is done. She is ready to kill off one of the main characters so she can get on with her real life. That said, she places an enormous amount of work onto her sister who is her assistant. This does not seem to track with me, being that their parents died when Eleanor was young and she became her sister's caretaker. When you say roles are reversed, they really are in this case. The mystery is well thought out, and the author does keep you guessing until the very end on who the killer is.

The format was a little hard to follow, but I assume that is because I was reading on my kindle. I did enjoy the story, but I could not connect with the main character. Perhaps she was too flippant in her behavior based on my experience with real authors? I also skipped most of the footnotes because again, on a kindle, it just seemed to hard to read.

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